Cultivating Resilience
Back in the 2000s, when my national public television series, Simple Living with Wanda Urbanska, was in production, what appeared to be a juicy plum dropped into my lap. Together with the General Manager of University of North Carolina Public Television, I had the chance to meet with one of our United States senators.
‘(Older) Women Are Golden’
As 34 senior executives from European nonprofits took seats at a large round table at Rockefeller Center in New York City recently for an intensive fundraising course, we scanned the room trying to identify our opening speaker.
Get Creative — Now!
Two winters ago, Wilfredo Rosario and his wife Jazmin were watching the Weather Channel as an ice storm barreled down on their Clayton, North Carolina home. One of the TV tips was to pull plastic bags over your vehicle’s side-view mirrors so that when the storm passed, you could de-ice by simply removing the bags.
Why It Pays to Write by Hand
The other day when my 20-year-old son and I sat down to discuss his short- and long-term goals, I pulled out the proper tools — paper and pen. He shot me a withering look and whipped out his Smartphone.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn at Harvard Remembered: Forty Years Later
If you think no one will remember your words next week, let alone next year, think again. In fact, the shelf life of everything you do — what you say and write and how you conduct yourself personally and professionally — is much longer than you may realize. I was recently reminded just how long: Try forty years.
Phubbing: New Norm or No-No?
I was inching my grocery cart forward in line at Trader Joe’s the other day, nonchalantly checking out my smart phone when I glanced up and caught the cashier’s eyes locked on mine. Not a word was uttered but his cold stare conveyed his thoughts.